Perhaps your computer is heating fast while the CPU fan runs loudly. What does it mean? Some issue might have crept up with the Windows Modules Installer. Being part of the OS, it handles Windows updates. At times, high CPU usage might slow down speed considerably and even crash the system.
Restart your computer if you experience abnormally CPU usage even after no ongoing system maintenance or update process. It will destroy running programs along with Widows Installer Worker and other processes that could be the issue. Hit Windows key or Start menu to restart computer. Choose Power icon. From menu, click Restart. As computer restarts, ensure CPU usage is normal.
The Windows Worker process could be consuming more power than necessary. It could be Windows is doing background system maintenance or busy installing updates. Such tasks will complete in a few minutes. Afterwards, CPU usage will get back to normal state. Do not rush. Give the computer some time to complete whatever it is doing.
Restart Windows Update to reset its settings. It will help fix issues resulting from high CPU usage. Open Run Command box and type services.msc. Hit enter button to open Service console. Go through list of services to seek Windows Update. Right click and select Restart. Troubleshooter runs and fixes Windows Update-related issues. Once scanning is completed and problems get fixed check for further problems.
Run Windows Update troubleshooter if restarting fails to work. It scans issues and fixes them automatically, thus solving high CPU usage-related issues. Press Win+R button to open Run command. Next, type Control Panel and hit enter button to open control panel. Select small icons or large icons in control panel view. Identify and click Troubleshooting option. Click Other troubleshooters on right side. Click Run Windows Update. Troubleshooter runs to fix Windows Update issues. Once scan gets completed and problems are fixed, it should solve your problem.
Sometimes, Windows Modules Installer remains active even without updates getting installed. It might be due to Windows Update being set to Automatic mode. Change it to manual model to fix such issues. It reduces CPU usage prevents Windows from implementing the process. Open Services Window. Next scroll down to right click your mouse on Windows Update. Select Properties option from context menu. Double click on service and open Properties window. Change Startup to Manual on General tab and click OK. Check list of services to find Windows Module Installer and repeat similar steps. Once completed, restart the computer. Check for reduced CPU usage. Otherwise, try another solution to fix the problem.
It is another solution that might provide the desired results. It resets automatically Windows Update settings. At the same time, it fixes problems that might result in high CPU usage. Open Run command box. Type services.msc in dialog box. Hit Enter button to open Services console. Here, locate Windows Update in services list. Right click on the Update in the menu to select Restart. As the service restarts, check if the Installer process is still causing high CPU usage.
Delete Software Distribution Folder. It holds files temporarily that is used while performing Windows updates. However, it might result in high CPU usage if any files in it are outdated or corrupted. Delete it and allow Windows to recreate the same. Follow a few steps to clear Software Distribution folder. Log in as an administrator and run Command Prompt. Type several commands in this window and hit Enter button. Once the above commands get executed, open up Windows File Explorer. Browse the location C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\. Use Ctrl + A in SoftwareDistribution folder to choose all contents in them. Delete all. If pop-up menu seeks permission, click Continue. Once Software Distribution folder is deleted, restart previously stopped services. To enable this, launch again elevated command prompt. Run a command. Once completed, close command prompt window. Restart the computer. Check if process consumes lots of CPU power or not.
Disable completely Windows Update if there persists high CPU usage. Since updates are vital for performance and security, it is not a long-term recommended solution. However if the need arises, disable it temporarily to check CPU usage. Click on Start button and type Services in search box. Choose Services from results list to open Services window. Locate Windows Update in services list. Next, right click on the same and choose Stop from context menu. Once Windows Update service stops, double-click it and open Properties Window. Click Startup type on General tab. From dropdown, choose Disabled. Click Apply > OK and save changes. Once the above steps are performed, close Services window. Restart the computer. Find out if windows modules installer worker consumes heavy CPU resources. After completing troubleshooting, enable Windows Update.
Besides the above-given solutions, you may try out a few generic fixes to reduce considerably high CPU usage. It includes disabling unwanted startup programs. You may even repair corrupted system files. In case there are third-party programs downloaded on your system, uninstall them completely. Check for CPU usage. Moreover, check for recent installed updates. Incompatible or corrupted updates might result in high CPU usage-related problems. If you notice similar problems arising even after performing the steps, carry out system restore.
Your Windows Modules Installer could be using extremely high CPU power. If so, you have to try out different ways to fix this problem and restore your system to normalcy. Usually, the process uses computer resources when installing updates without causing issues. However, if you experience high CPU usage for extended periods, try immediately deactivating services. Implement common fixes after deleting files from Software Distribution folder. If you still notice CPU usage is high than required and not able to fix the issue, contact an experienced engineer. They will locate the issue and get it fixed in less time.
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